Contact Information
MP3 encoder mailing list
For general discussions and comments about LAME and MP3 encoding there used to be the MP3 encoder mailing list. Unfortunately it is now gone, although you can still access the list archives in the links below:
- Archives for Sept 2001 - Sept 2011
- Archives for
Oct 2000 - Sept 2001 - Archives for before Oct 2000
LAME development mailing list
The lame-dev list is the right place for everything related to LAME development: bug reports, questions and suggestions concerning the encoder, the documentation and the web pages. It is also the best way to get in touch with the active developers. Archives are provided by SourceForge.
SVN mailing list
If you want to be automatically notified of commits to SVN, you can subscribe to the lame-cvs list. The name of this list has historic reasons, we have not renamed it after switching from CVS to SVN.
Some developers and other interested parties can eventually be found on the #mp3encoder channel on the FreeNode Network.
Bug reports/tracker
To submit bug reports, you can use the bug tracker besides the lame-dev mailing list. Please be descriptive in your bug report. You should clearly mention your problem, LAME version used and how to reproduce the bug.
Contact developers
Here is the list of developers. If you encounter a problem, please use any of the ways mentioned above instead of directly contacting a developer.
Contact the webmaster
The current webmaster for the LAME project is Roberto Amorim. You can contact him through e-mail.